It is important to bring all the teams together and unite them to achieve a single goal. The goal should be noble; it should be inspiring and should fill the teams with energy and commitment. The leader could kick start things off with an inspiring presentation and ask everyone to give their ideas on how to make this happen.
For Example:
Mr. Narasimhan, an innovative leader of Brakes India, Foundry Division, says, ‘I don’t think top management should have all the fun while others just have to do what they are told’. He holds monthly meetings in the lovely tree-shaded campus at Sholingur and speaks to all 700 people in the factory. They are allowed to ask questions and make suggestions. Over sixty innovation spirals are operating here, which include many of the machine operators in the factory.
At the end of the ice-breaker, all participants should know the goal, be inspired by it, and take responsibility for specific parts of the plan.