Happy Street

About the book

You can create a Happy Street!

The Happy Street by the bestselling author and innovation guru Dr. Rekha Shetty, is about how each one of us has a chance to adopt a street and make it a happy street.

The principles of building a happy community are woven around. It is a simple love story of how Rohan a conservative young man from Chennai, meets fiery Bengali girl, Ammu  and how they both work together to create a happy street. Through a series of letters from Rags a wise hi-tech coach, with a spiritual bent, points the way. Happy Street shows you how to create a community full of well-being and joy.  The four pillars of the Happy Street are (1) Environmental  Sustainability, (2) Cultural Vitality (3) Economic Development and (4)Good Governance.

Use this book to create your own happy street!


Quote about Happy Street

“A powerful guide to shared happiness, our most important life goal.

Dr. Mrityunjay Athreya

Padma Bhushan”