Are you willing to spend the next 90 days making your company more profitable? If you have the discipline you can. Turning bright ideas into action is a problem most companies face. Finally, here is a 90-day blueprint to make this happen.
A daily implementation schedule will give you step-by-step ideas for yourself, your team, your department, and your organization. Start today and see the difference you can make.
This 90-day plan will help you:
Create a climate which empowers everyone in the company to achieve their full potential
Launch an initiative which will invigorate the whole organization.
Build young, proactive, commando teams, or innovation spirals, designed to think outside the box.
Inspire team leaders to transform their departments and the organization through their youthful, proactive ideas
Develop a daily plan to institutionalize innovation and establish long-term culture change.
A highly practical, do-it-yourself toolkit to ensure innovation becomes part of your organization. Innovate! Should be required reading for everyone in your organization… Be inspired – Innovate!
On day one, start by giving the team a bird’s eye view of the 90-day action agenda. The first step is of course to create the Problem Bank, which involves all members of the team.
“Innovation is the central issue in economic prosperity” – Michael Porter, Harvard Business School. Companies which are innovation stars do better in the marketplace. This was proved by research which also shows a clear link between better innovation practices, employee involvement and customer satisfaction. A higher market share is the hallmark of an innovative company. When everyone knows that innovative companies are more profitable, why do more companies not embrace the roadmap to innovation? The answer is simple. Innovation does not happen by wistful thinking. Commitment, resources and a whole new mindset is required long-term to create the culture of innovation. Top management burp-in, involvement of the whole organization in planning, a system to sift through suggestions, tame wild ideas and a system to reward innovators play a role. Only the best companies manage to do all this.
Everyday, the 90-day blueprint has a plan attached or a thinking tool attached. If you would like to try it in your company, create a few small cross-functional commando teams of 5 to 7 action warriors. Let all teams follow the 90 day plan, led by an innovation champion who has direct access to the CEO. Innovation requires going away from normal practices, cutting against the grain, so ‘Top Management’ support is critical.