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- Light a fragrant agarbathi or use an aroma therapy diffuser.
- Open all the windows and let in the sunlight.
- Call a friend who really likes you and just bathe in the unconditional positive field of friendship.
- Turn on your favorite music and let it pour over you and into your mind and heart.
- Try to organize a car pool or transport van for team members.
- Organize an outing with the team.
- Organize a joint shopping expedition for a limited value.
- Eating together during lunch, specially for weekly treat.
- Have a well-decorated office.
- Organize a movie screening.
- Always encourage, do not discourage.
- Say only good things.
- Good music in the production area.
- Clean atmosphere. Protection against dust and sound.
- Plant a small plant.
- Start a Humor Club, share a joke on the internet.
- Share personal problems within the team. Love your team members.
- To relieve stress, provide a counselor.
- People should be congratulated for their achievements.
- Share strengths and weakness.
- Celebrate birthdays and anniversaries.
- Share interesting articles.
- Start a book and magazine club.
- Have a group and share a thought for the day.
- Start with a prayer and play ‘Vandematharam’.
- Appreciate talents.
- Do not disturb when people are at their jobs.
- Have potluck lunch, provide sweets and biscuits.
- Meet in the recreation club.
- Eliminate selfishness.
- Create a friendly atmosphere.
- Keep promises.
- Make people time conscious.
- Never use other people’s possessions without telling them.
- Say Hi! to people and smile at them.
- Respect others.
- Mutual understanding.
- Help the team member when they are in distress.
- Keep things in right place.
- Everyone should take responsibility and ownership.
- Maintain open-mindness
- Write a little about the father’s work to the kid. Say in writing, “We are proud of your father”.
- Celebrate minor landmarks while achieving the goal. Celebrate life everyday.
- Make watching a TV movie, an occasion – dress up, eat popcorn……………
- Plan an exciting weekend.
- Learn a new skill – driving, dancing and gardening.
- Take up a new hobby – carpentry, Tanjore painting, amateur radio.
- Teach someone else’s child to spin a top, dunk a ball into the basket, ride a bike, make a speech.
- Have a special greeting ceremony for team members’ achievements.
- Keep in touch with team members who have retired or moved to other companies.
- Help team members to have regular medical check ups for themselves and family members.
- Have a Savings Fund to help team members get over emergency cash crunches.