Innovation Secrets of Indian CEOs

Announcing the publication of my 7th book “Innovation Secrets of Indian CEOs” by Westland

About the book
Indian CEOs have their own brand of innovation. A people oriented, low cost innovation on the run. This kind of innovation is born out of thrift and a desire to squeeze the last ounce of value from limited resources. It is Jugaad in spirit and respectful of all forms of potential wealth.
This book gives you a glimpse into this unique form of Innovation. Not patented yet. But it should be.
Dr. Rekha Shetty’s 7th book brings 50 CEOs and their methods into the limelight. A life time in the field of innovation has given her a ringside view of Indian Innovation and the principles that govern it.
Dr. Rekha Shetty’s bestselling books have always been read and use books. Books that change lives. This book too is waiting to enter your daily action agenda, to change your world.
Read it! You too can be innovative…………